Lemme cite an example of Macro Substitution:

put "/sbt/apdata1/apmast" into m0apmast
put "02" into m0company

now referring to &m0apmast.&m0company. would yield "/sbt/apdata1/ apmast02"

The ampersand is the Macro Substitution operator in Foxpro.

I think I can code around this. It's just that I am finding I am going to have to do a lot of recoding to make this port work.

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

On Oct 9, 2006, at 10:37 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

--- Robert Sneidar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am a bit stumped as to what to do to convert macro
substitutions in
the fox code I am porting. Macro substitution is
when I can refer to
a variable using a delimiter and the variable will
be substituted for
the value it contains at runtime. So if bobtest
contained "blah" then
I could "get $bobtest.1" and the code at runtime
would give me the
value of blah1. I won't go into the virtues of macro
here. There are times when it is quite handy.

I know Revolution has no such convention. I am
hoping to avoid a lot
of extra coding to convert macro substitutions in
the Foxpro code.
Any ideas?

Bob Sneidar

Hi Bob,

Depending on the circumstances, you can use the 'do'
command and 'value' function to achieve your goal.
on mouseUp
  local blah1
  put 40 into blah1
  local bobtest
  put "blah" into bobtest
  answer value(bobtest & 1)
end mouseUp

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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