On Oct 10, 2006, at 6:25 AM, Greg Smith wrote:

-- I'm still looking for the friendliest programming or non- programming environment for multimedia development. There does not exist a non-programmer's solution, so here I am.


But my application goals are entirely in the realm of multimedia production. I don't see many multimedia or game oriented programs being written in Transcript, but that could just be due to lack of interest among the Revolution community. I've casually investigated Malte's arcade engine, but that is not exactly everything I would need to emulate some of Director's "built-in" functionality. I know that Revolution doesn't supply these kinds of templates, but, as regards overall functionality and prowess in multimedia, can someone with experience of both environments comment on similarities, differences and strengths of both development platforms? Also, Director supports, probably the largest set of graphic and video formats;
how does Revolution compare in this area?

Hi Greg,

To begin with I haven't developed any products with Director since 7 so I am a little out of the loop on it's current features. I'll let someone else do a feature comparison. In any case, even comparing Director's features from version 7 to Rev's current features, Rev can't touch Director when you compare raw multimedia power. Director was built for that sort of stuff.

That being said, I do develop multimedia based applications in Revolution as there are certain areas where Rev can really shine. My company creates e-learning and interactive history software. We generate graphics on the fly from databases and use lots of QuickTime. One benefit Revolution offers is that you can create true software applications. When I used Director and Authorware, it wasn't possible to create something like looked like software. For the software we develop, that was a key feature.

Revolution has been making important improvements in multimedia support lately. In 2.7 they reworked the underlying graphics architecture (anti-aliased graphics were added at this time) which appears to have provided the ground work for enhancements in the future.

In the end, multimedia is such a broad term that Rev can be said to well suited for some multimedia projects but not so well for others. What types of features in Director were you using that you need to use going forward? That is probably the best way to determine if Rev will work for you.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems - www.bluemangolearning.com

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