On Wed Oct 18, Richmond Mathewson geradamas at yahoo.com wrote:

Have uploaded "COLOUR VALUES 2" to My Space:

this lets one play around with a set of RGB slides and
see the effect upon a control . . .

However, if any of the colours of the control are the
default (empty) the whole thing goes wrong

AND, still do not quite understand why this will not
work with imported images

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

Hi Richmond,

I took a look at your stack.
As always, things could be somewhat simplified. Here is an alternative 3-line script for your color scrollbars.

First set the start value to 0 and the end value to 255 (your value here is 510 ?)
Set "show values" to true.

"on scrollbardrag x
 put the backcolor of fld "example" into tcolor
   put x into item 1 of tcolor # the R value
 set the backcolor of fld "example" to tcolor
end scrollbardrag"

Modify the script for the other two Green and Blue scrollbars -> item 2 of tcolor, item 3 of tcolor.

No need for hidden fields to store intermediate variables etc..

I have used as similar approach in an older stack "Farbspiele" ("Play with colors") intended to introduce students to color concepts. You find such scrollbars on card "Oberflächenkosmetik 1" ("surface cosmetics").

<http://www.sanke.org/Software/Farbspiele.zip> --

Imported images unfortunately cannot be modified this way, you have to manipulate the imagedata.

There are many examples for handling imagedata in the stacks below - which I already mentioned in my last post of this thread:





Wilhelm Sanke

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