On Oct 20, 2006, at 2:38 AM, Bill Marriott wrote:

Some of you will say, "Bill it would be much more productive if you filed all this in Bugzilla." Well, I'm all for contributing to the community. But
it takes time and effort to file a decent bug report. You need to have
something reproducible, supply sample files, write it up properly, etc. This
is no trivial task.

There are a couple things folks might consider when wanting to contribute to the community by making bug reports but are prudent about how much time is spent in that.

One is focus. One can concentrate on areas of greatest concern, areas where one has to do the analysis for other reasons, or areas of expertise or interest. This area of focus can also be one where you can help others in discussion.

The other is discussion before making the report. Peers can help us weed out cockpit errors, find the scope, and even identify the nature of the problem. Peers can also suggest workarounds. You might then have all you need to make a report. You might find a fellow Revolutionary better equipped to make the report.

So, when YOU demonstrate
some good faith -- releasing a reasonably robust product, and committing to free bug fixes -- then perhaps I will work as your unpaid Quality Assurance

I see good faith as the commitment to fixing bugs. For lots of reasons, including, no doubt, the multi-platform nature, bug fix releases are hard to separate from feature releases. Even so, I do think that a longer update period for the Studio users would put RunRev in better light. RunRev as well as Revolution users have benefited from the many hours user-developers have given to identifying bugs and characterizing Revolution in general. I gain because many have worked long hours to critically analyze parts of Revolution and RunRev has said it will try to fix bugs.


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