
You can use standard html links such as <a href="http:// www.runrev.com">click here</a> and get the actual link in the parameter sent with the linkClicked message.

I have uploaded an example to RevOnline. User space Mark, name of the stack is 4Tim. I will remove the stack tomorrow.




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Op 5-nov-2006, om 5:02 heeft Timothy Miller het volgende geschreven:

As you might guess, I'm struggling with this topic -- links. I submitted a bz report that probably wasn't a bug. I asked a question on the list, thought I understood the helpful replies, but it turns out I don't understand very well after all. I've discovered several of my own misconceptions along the way. I've been reading the instructions as best I can.

Sorry to be a pest, but I've gotta ask somebody, and who else ya gonna call?

This time I'll try to ask small questions, one at a time. I have several, but they're related. If I understand a few things, I can probably figure out the rest.

Here's a basic one.

--Let's say I have several identical words in the same field (maybe it's a rather long treatise), each defined as a link, by textStyle, and I want each one to do something distinct when clicked.

In other words, is there a way to assign something like

<!-- <a href="http://www.runrev.com";>thisIsMyLink</ a> -->

to a specific link in RR? (I commented this example, so you might be able to read it in your HTML-enabled email client.)

What I mean is that the link would point to something that doesn't actually display in the field, which remains connected to the link, even if the link gets moved around. It probably wouldn't be a URL. More likely, the not-visible part of the link would be a handler, or a few lines of script.

In other, other words, is it possible to get a text link to work kind of like a button?

I understand how to do something simple like

on linkClicked theText
 if theText is not empty then revGoURL theText
end linkClicked

But that wouldn't work for the purpose I'm describing because the text and format of the links would be identical, so "theText" would also be identical.

I'm wondering if there's some way to do this sort of thing without referencing the clicked word or chunk function. That would be cumbersome, because every time I edited the field, all the chunk references would change.

Can someone give me a general idea of how to do it, or where to look it up? Or a sketch of a sample script might be helpful.

As I read over my question, I begin to suspect this sort of thing has to be exported to some HTML-capable application, like a web browser. But, maybe not...

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. I'm taking my meds now, so I won't be querulous :-)


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