Hi all,

I am used to put a "u" before custom properties names.
As I put a "t" before local variables, a "g" before globals, etc.
And always use meaningful words:

on SetOtherUsersList pCurUserNo
  local tOtherUsersList
  put AllUsersList() into tOtherUsersList --
  delete item pCurUserNo of tOtherUsersList
  set the uOtherUsersList of this stack to tOtherUsersList
end SetOtherUsersList

Using prefixes allow to use the "same" names for variables, props, functions, etc. that are related while you know exactly what it is.
This seems to me making the code more readable :-)

Le 17 nov. 06 à 17:51, Tereza Snyder a écrit :

On Nov 17, 2006, at 12:43 AM, Dar Scott wrote:

The syntax identifies properties, so why give them a special prefix?

I use "u" before my custom property names to distinguish them from built-in properties for several reasons. First, I won't be bollixed when new properties are added to the built-in properties that happen to collide with my well-thought out property name; second, it draws the distinction succinctly in the script between a property that's meaningful for the task and those pertaining only to the GUI; and third, I can help myself avoid runtime errors because typing "put xxx into uYYY" throws a terezaSyntaxError.

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet
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