That's my point, exactly.

Let the web stuff happen on the web, with web tools. For those of us who find web functions useful in our Rev applications, altBrowser in Rev 2.7.5 should do the trick. For those who find xtalk useful for web productions, jscard from Creysoft looks like the answer.

What programming or production problem would be solved by morphing Rev into Perl-PHP-Ruby-on-rails-JavaScript-Ajax-Curl-Python-CSS-Apache? What would be the gain?

---- Jerry Muelver

Chipp Walters wrote:
Isn't that what altBrowser does?

On 11/28/06, Jerry Muelver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How about building an interface to make web things run in Revolution? In
other words, don't map "group" to "DIV" to make Rev scripts run on the
web, but map "DIV" to "group" to make web scripts run in Rev. I think if
you gave me HTMLtext that could handle hyperlinks, UL and OL, TABLE,
text wraparound IMG placement, HTML forms components, and by-paragraph
font styling (CSS-sensitive DIVs), the job would be done. In fact, with
the advent of an embedded browser in Rev 2.7.5, it seems to me the job
IS done!
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