I too will refrain from any sectarian comments and just state what we can agree on; Jesus was a great guru among the other major gurus and we can celebrate his birthday without the politics ... and a lot of people can get off work and have a well deserved holiday with their loved ones!

Merry Christmas and REV 2.75 for the new year!!

I really believe the people who are really

For various rather complicated reasons (which I am
neither going to explain nor justify) I think that
Jesus was "a good egg" and, as such would like to
extend (admittedly 6 days early) my best wishes to one
and all on one of the days on which people celebrate
his birthday.

And for those who cannot fathom what I mean by that:

Happy Christmas!

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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