On Dec 20, 2006, at 8:11 AM, Carly J. Born wrote:

I'm new to using RunRev and so forgive me if this has been covered in a previous thread.

No worries, Carly. Unicode is a puzzlement to almost everyone when they first start to use it. One key to remember is that Revolution's unicode is always UTF-16. The other key is that Revolution always uses the byte order of the host CPU, so developing cross-platform unicode-using stacks can be tricky.

I'm looking for a method of delivering what will potentially become a digital foreign language textbook, for which I need full Unicode support. I'm playing with the trial version and am having a hard time getting Unicode to 'stick' in simple button labels. Sometimes the characters stick (after retyping a few times) and sometimes I just can get them to stay and get jumbled up.

My questions are:
- is there a way to set the default font of the entire stack during development? (the setting I found also doesn't seem to stick)

It seems to work best to set the font for each object when using unicode text. For unicode button labels, set the font of the button to a unicode font *before* entering the text. A unicode font is in two parts, like this:

set the textFont of btn "CyrillicButton" to "Geneva CY,Russian"

You can also set the font directly in the property inspector by entering a 2-part font name. The language name that comes after the font name is one of any from this list (from the Documentation >Dictionary under uniEncode):

* ANSI (synonym for "English")
* Arabic
* Bulgarian
* Chinese
* English
* Greek
* Hebrew
* Japanese (Shift-JIS)
* Korean
* Polish
* Roman
* Russian (Cyrillic)
* Thai
* Turkish
* SimpleChinese (Simplified Chinese)
* Ukrainian
* Unicode (UTF-16)
* w (synonym for "Unicode")

Once the button's font is set, try typing the label in the desired language, using the OS's built-in input methods. Even after you have done this you may find that part of the label goes whacky, especially if the label contains a space. This is because Revolution treats ascii-range punctuation characters (including space) as ascii, not unicode, which throws off the byte count for any characters following the space. (I know, it's weird, but this is the current state of affairs.) I find it is pretty reliable, however, if you use an indirect approach:

Create a field, set its textFont to a unicode font, eg. Geneva CY,Russian Place your insert cursor into the field, select the desired language input method, and type the label text. In the message box execute this command: set the label of button "CyrillicButton" to the unicodetext of line 1 of fld "unicodefld"

This should display the text reliably, and it should "stick".

- is Unicode reliably usable within the authoring environment? (I've seen a few references to calling unicode text files, is that the only way?)

It is reliable-ish if you learn how to use it. Displaying unicode text is pretty reliable, but user input of unicode is problematic, especially with right to left languages like Hebrew and Arabic, for which there are verified, unresolved bugs.

Rev reads in unicode files reliably. Here is an example of a button handler that will read in a UTF-16 encoded file:

on mouseUp
  answer file "Choose a unicode file to read in."
  if it is empty then exit mouseUp
  put "binfile:" & it into urlName
  set the unicodeText of fld "display" to url urlName
end mouseUp

- Do you have any recommendations for working with unicode foreign languages in RunRev?

Aside from the above, learn all you can about unicode. That'll make it easier to follow how Rev implements it. Don't get discouraged; a number of people are using it successfully. Ask questions here.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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