Hello Carly J. Born,

1) you can use unicode in runrev. Please search the docu for "unicode*" and 
read the info about uniDecode,uniEncode,useunicode,UTF8,UTF16 etc.
2) on win I can use any language if I select the language on the system bar for 
fonts and languages or use the "charmap" (just execute "cmd" and "charmap") 
with the extended view "unicode groups" and copy it directly in the textfield, 
which must be set to a unicode font! (Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, and I 
think Verdana for the most languages)
3) the rtl-properties of runrev are broken: the direction of words is always 
from left to right. If you have installed rtl-support on the windows 
system(support for oriental languages in the system properties) than runrev 
shows the direction of the letters within the word correct (this problem is for 
all programs on win machines except the iebrowser, firefox etc. and winword 
which use their own rtl-modules)

=> unicode in languages which go from left to right are no problem in runrev, 
the others you have to convert/reverse/fake ...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch

GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
D-94136 Thyrnau
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
Fax +49 (0)8501-8537

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Unicode text for buttons, etc (20-Dez-2006 16:11)
From:    Carly J. Born <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:      use-revolution@lists.runrev.com

> I'm new to using RunRev and so forgive me if this has been covered in  
> a previous thread.
> I'm looking for a method of delivering what will potentially become a  
> digital foreign language textbook, for which I need full Unicode  
> support.  I'm playing with the trial version and am having a hard  
> time getting Unicode to 'stick' in simple button labels.  Sometimes  
> the characters stick (after retyping a few times) and sometimes I  
> just can get them to stay and get jumbled up.
> My questions are:
>   -  is there a way to set the default font of the entire stack  
> during development? (the setting I found also doesn't seem to stick)
> -  is Unicode reliably usable within the authoring environment? (I've  
> seen a few references to calling unicode text files, is that the only  
> way?)
> -  Do you have any recommendations for working with unicode foreign  
> languages in RunRev?

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