Chip, no parade to rain on; we all eventually get what we deserve, though it may not seem so at the moment. Just based on past performance and products, and the way we, as Apple users, get treated, M$ gets a thumbs-down in my book, and Apple gets a thumbs- up! In twenty years (knock on wood) using Macs, I've never had one go bad. They all gracefully retire and are given honorable burials somewhere. It's because of great OSs, even when they are buggy, as some have been. My cost of doing business is as low as it gets. I can't say that about owners of PCs using Windows OS.

Just my HO!

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 15, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:


I certainly don't want to rain on your current Mac fanboy leanings,
but Apple's no better than MS with regard to their current dominant
position and unwillingness to play nicely with others in the digital
music business. Just Google "Apple iPod lawsuit" and you should get a
quick picture of a few of Apple's antitrust trangressions across the
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