What could this be?

I have found that on occasion urls cease to work and this time rather than
quiting and starting again I took a look at what it could be... I found that
while some urls still worked a few returned very fast and empty - one of
them was an image and one www.google.com. Testig the image url in a browser
proved that the image was there. It looked like it was a problem with the
url cache so I wrote this script:

   repeat for each line someURL in the cachedurls
       unload url someURL
   end repeat
   put the cachedurls

and checked that the cache was empty - still no joy with the urls that were
causing the problem. Next I edited the script of the internet library (added
a space) in order to kill the local variables that cache the url's and hey
presto the url"s worked again ???

Is there an occasional problem with unload? In that empty url's perhaps
resulting from faulty calls are not cleared with an unload call? Or should I
call something like "libUrlResetAll" - not documented AFAIK to reset things?
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