Dick Kriesel wrote:
On 2/28/07 3:27 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The important part is the "wait <time> with messages", which allows user
input to occur simultaneously. That will allow you to put in a "stop"
button. But while "wait with messages" does allow the messages to
happen, it does not allow them to be acted on. They will pile up in a
queue until the loop is exited. Some of them, anyway. I think some were
just lost.

Jacque, could you please clarify this?  What's the difference between
happening and being acted on?  If Rev loses messages, I'd like to
understand, so I don't write code that's likely to fail and that cannot be

I've partly misstated this and you probably don't have anything to worry about. The script I wrote was from quite a while ago, so I had misremembered what was in there. In the example I gave, though, checking for "the mouseclick" does remove all mouse-related messages for that click from the queue; you get no mousedown, mousestilldown, mouseup. Just the act of checking for a mouseclick clears the message queue of that mouseclick's related events.

The difference between a message happening (I should have said, "being sent") and being acted on is probably simpler than my awkward wording implied. When a user generates an action, the engine sends a series of messages about that action (unless a script has set lockmessages to true.) If there are handlers in the stack that trap and act on those messages, the handlers will be executed ("acted on".)

I just did a test of what I wrote and I was wrong about messages piling up in the queue when "wait with messages" is in the loop; they execute fine as Chipp found out. I went back and looked at my original script and saw that in the repeat loop I did *not* "wait with messages" after all. In a loop without the "wait with messages" call, event messages do pile up and remain unexecuted. But the "with messages" line prevents that from happening and it does act very much like multi-threading.

I'm not sure I've made things any clearer. ;)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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