
Some more information:

I built a standalone, this writes 288 files but I don't get the error dialog and it doesn't complete correctly, e.g. I don't get the "Done!" dialog at the end.

Looking at the System Activity Monitor it only grabs around 35 MB of real memory 377 MB of virtual - it doesn't allocate the Gigabytes as it does while running under the IDE.

Anyone got *any* ideas how to work around this? I am working on a demo and need this to work ASAP, otherwise I may as well just stop work on it now.

All the Best

On 19 Mar 2007, at 15:14, Ian Wood wrote:

On 19 Mar 2007, at 14:56, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Is that physical memory or virtual? On OS X I've seen seemingly small apps take up a surprising amount of virtual memory, but operate in a much smaller physical space.

Although FWIW I've not seen my Rev usage climb that high while running these tests. Are there plugins or other stacks running which may play a role here

When I tried it, Rev was grabbing 3.5GB of physical RAM (out of 4GB), and quite a bit of virtual RAM as well.


Yes, I've just verified it again, it takes 1.8 GB and never gives it back. If I put the counter field back, it stops at file 289 with a write error, if I don't have the counter (or if the counter is pushed behind the rectangle (which is filled with "red")) then it writes a lot more files before it hangs. Did you try this on Windows or just on the Mac?

Thanks a lot
All the Best

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