on mouseUp
  set the directory to "/Users/marksmith/Desktop/xpics/"

  repeat with x = 1 to 1000
    if the mouse is down then
      exit to top
    end if
    put x & ".png" into tDest
    set the backgroundColor of grp "counter" to any item of "red,blue"
set the backgroundColor of fld "counter" to any item of "green,yellow"

    put x into fld "counter" of grp "counter"

    export snapshot from grp "counter" to file tDest as PNG
    wait 1 millisec
  end repeat
end mouseUp

Weird...I set this up earlier and was finding that it would stop with an error, at various points, but usually at the 256th iteration, and never later.
The error was something along the lines of 'could not write to file....'

However, if I changed <put x into fld "counter" of grp "counter"> to
<put "x=" & x into fld "counter" of grp "counter">, it completed without problem every time.

Activity Monitor (I'm on a G4 mac laptop, Rev 2.8.0) reported only a tiny increase in real and virtual memory use.

I had to go out, and quit Revolution. Now I've come back, the same stack works correctly whatever I put in the <put x into...> line.


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