Hi Andrew,

I treat external audio, video and even images much the same way as I would in a web site. When putting together a standalone that references this media I put the media in a separate folder within the folder that houses the standalone and work with a relative link to the media. Say your standalone is in a folder called "My Standalone." Create a media folder within that folder and place your media in this new folder (or copy your media folder into this new standalone folder). Then you query the path of the standalone, replace the standalone name in the path with the media folder name, and reference your images/ audio/video
files using this new path:

put the fileName of this stack into theStackPath
set the itemDelimiter to "/"
put "MyMedia" into item -1 of theStackPath

Now you have a reference point for all your media, as long as it is housed in the "MyMedia" folder. You can retain this in several ways. Perhaps the easiest is to
set a custom property of either the stack or the card:

set the uMediaFolder of this stack to theStackPath

Probably the best place to do this is in the preOpenStack handler, on the card script of the first card to open when the stack opens. Don't put it in the stack script, or this script will execute any time a stack opens within your standalone. So the preOpenStack
handler on the first card of your stack would look like this:

on preOpenStack
  put the fileName of this stack into theStackPath
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  put "MyMedia" into item -1 of theStackPath
  set the uMediaFolder of this stack to theStackPath
end preOpenStack

Any time you want to set the filename of a player now, you call up the uMediaFolder of the stack and put the name of the media file after this. Then you set the filename
of the player to this path:

put the uMediaFolder of this stack into theFolderPath
put theFolderPath & "sound_01.aif" into theNewFile
set the filename of player 1 to theNewFile

You can place the above lines into a preOpenCard handler in the card script of the card that contains the player, or you can place it on a mouseUp handler to set the new

This works nicely if you have only one audio file to play. If you want to play several, or want to call up a specific audio file to play, you can use the uFolderPath of the stack to get a list of the files in the media folder, display them as a list in a list field. In the script of the list field you can write a mouseUp handler to set the filename of the player to the audio
file that you click on.

In a button or preOpenCard handler you can put a script like this:

on  preOpenCard -- goes in the card script
  put the uMediaFolder of this stack into theFolderPath
put the defaultFolder into theOrigDefault -- keep track of the original default folder set the defaultFolder to theFolderPath -- allows us to get a listing of all the media files in this folder put the files into theMediaFiles -- this gets a list of all files in the default folder, one file per line -- you may want to do some filtering of this list here, i.e. include only files with ".wav" extension etc. filter theMediaFiles with "*.wav" -- this is optional, if you have a mixed type of files put theMediaFiles into fld "audio files" -- this is the scrolling list field, you can name it what you want set the defaultFolder to theOrigDefault -- restore the original default folder
end preOpenCard

Then in your list field script you would have a handler like so:

on mouseUp
  put the selectedText into theFile
set the filename of player 1 to the uMediaFolder of this stack & "/" & theFile
end mouseUp     

The point is, that if you set up a connection to the media folder when you first open your stack, either within the development environment or as a standalone, you can call up any individual file pretty

It was nice to meet you at the ISLS conference in Hawaii, and I'm delighted you are checking into
Revolution. Welcome to the Revolution!

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