Richmond, is your time so non-valuable you need to put yourself though this? These days when $250 will buy you a networkable color printer that you plug and play?

I've been there, done that. These kludges with old (older than 6 years) hardware do nothing but drive you crazy and take up inordinate amounts of time. Always.

Example. Got the kids' old G4 Cube. Nice headless server. Runs OS X. But the 250 gig drive I put in it will only max out at 120 gigs because of firmware limitations. In spite of that, it's a pretty good server. But it is on the edge of it's life, and I'm sure it won't run OS10.5. It took a day to set up for various reasons.

Same with the old iMac from my daughter. The CD drive was out, so installing new software was a problem, it needs now rare and expensive RAM, needs WIFI and expanding the hard drive space had the same problem as above. I have the parts, but it was just taking too much time.

James Richards wrote:

"A couple of links that might help with this:
Thank you very much - my digestive juices are now
flowing about an OLD Mac Laser printer which is (also)
rotting in my attic in Scotland, only through my lack

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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