Well, Scott. Thanks for sharing your experience of development environments with us. How sad that you think you will be flamed. I certainly don't want this to be a flame-fest. I want to improve the way that Rev works.

I too have a wide experience of development tools - I have a degree in CS and I first started programming in Fortran on mainframes in 1980. And for some tasks I choose Revolution, for others Python, for others Java. When I decide that Rev is not the appropriate tool, I use a tool that is more appropriate. For some things Rev is the only tool I currently have that will do the job.

the most used or most requested (read desired) issues are worked on first.

That's not quite true. Hence my accusation that the Community Beta has lost its way.

I have been a member of this list for about 4 or 5 years, and I am NOT one of the people who has ranted on and on about bugs. In fact, the last time I posted anything as long as this to the list, it was to object to someone who moaned endlessly about bugs, but wouldn't even bother to log them in Bugzilla.

Over the years I have experienced minor bugs in Rev - they have been irritations but almost without exception I've been able to work round them, and I wouldn't say that Rev has noticeably more bugs than any other development tool I use. I have Studio licenses for OS X, Windows and Linux, paid up for the next 2 years in advance. Unlike Runrev's Quality Control Partner, I do NOT think that the way to get Runrev to fix bugs is to starve them of funds.

The Open Community Beta was announced with great fanfare, and I publicly welcomed it. It led me to expect that some long-standing bug-reports that I had been waiting to be fixed would finally receive treatment. I patiently waited throughout the Open Community Beta, only to find that my most important blocking bug has been deemed not important enough, and it was probably bumped out by the introduction of the Altuit products, which already existed (and many of us -- including me -- already owned licenses to them).

When something in Rev has not worked for four years, but has been shown to be a bug, and I cannot work round it, what am I supposed to do? I can guarantee that if there was an ancient bug in Rev that stopped your 2 year project, and that bug had been shunted out of the way, you would be much less sanguine. Or maybe not - you have multiple GUI toolkits to choose from. I don't - Rev is my only GUI toolkit.

Respect is earned and RunRev have certainly earned respect.

I think you mean "Respect is earned and RunRev have certainly earned MY respect." You have some special individual circumstances that endear them to you. The fact that you allude to this shows that really you know that you are in some kind of special relationship with them. Clearly for you, they are doing something right. I could mention the names of several long-time Rev/Metacard developers who want the absolute minimum to do with Runrev the company. And then there are the other users who have slipped away more silently.

I'm suggesting to Runrev that they stop doing something that is wrong.

The *only* solution to these kind of issues is direct with RunRev, IMHO any other form of reponse is amatuer at best

Sometimes an organisation has to be publicly shamed before something is done. But thanks for the insult anyway (maybe that's why you're expecting a flame fest). My previous private communications with Runrev are precisely what has led me to have so little respect for them and their ability to set expectations. And in case you haven't been paying attention - bug 3196 had received NO attention until I made this more generalized critique. If there had been any feedback from Runrev at all during the last 6 months about which severe bugs they were deciding to ignore, I may have decided some months back to look into alternative tools. I specifically recommended they do this so that people would have an idea of what to expect from this Beta.

Anyway, I'm not going to waste any more time on this. I've learned the hard way to set my own expectations of Runrev, and sadly they are decidedly lower than they were 6 months ago.



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