On Fri, 18 May 2007, "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

>> While trying to add the creation date to the filename in a "thumbs"
>> application I noticed that the creation date is actually item 5 of the
>> detailed files rather than item 4, number 4 really containing the
>> modification date.
>> Since the "detailed files" was introduced in Rev version 1.0 and
>> modified in 1.1 nobody seems to have made use of the creation date over
>> the last years?

On my OS X machine, it's the way the docs say. What OS are you using?

-- Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED] HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com

I observed this while working on a WindowsXP machine, and I have now checked what happens on MacOS (still 10.3.9 on my G4 Powerbook).

For the testing I used two JPG-images, both taken on March 4 with a digital camera. I modfied one of these images today - May 19 - by changing the contrast with PaintshopPro 11 and saving the image under the same name. For purposes of comparison, let's call this image "M" for modification. I did not touch or change the second image in any way, let's call it "O" for original.

I copied both images to the Powerbook using an USB stick.

Looking at the EXIF data of the images (with PaintshopPro on Windows) I get this information:

Image M:  "date and time" : May 19
               "original date"   : March 4
               "digitalized":      : March 4

Image O:  "date and time" : March 4
               "original date"   : March 4
               "digitalized":      : March 4

Loading the two images into my "thumbs" application and using "the detailed files" I get

with item 5 of the detailed files

image M: "May 19", and for image O: "March 4".

With item 4 of the detailed files I get "March 15" for both images, which is apparently the date I transferred the images from my camera to the computer, a value not contained in the EXIF data.

On my Mac:  The photo information in "iTunes" reads

for image M: "created" ("aufgenommen" in German): March 4
                  "digitalized": March 4
                  "modified"  : March 4
                  "imported" : May 19

for image O: "created"    :March 4
                  "digitalized": March 4
                  "modified"  : March 4
                  "imported" : May 19

Now the corresponding image information in the "thumbs" stack on the Powerbook:

With item 5 of the detailed files I get "May 19" for image M and "March 4" for image O.

With item 4 of the detailed files I get "Jan 18, 2038" for both images!(?); maybe this is an effect of the USB stick? (The date information in the systems folder shows correctly the date of today "May 19".)

Here is the script snippet I use to append the creation date to the image name field under the thumb: "put item 5 of line i of tdetfiles into Datum
   convert Datum from dateitems to long date
   put Tab&item 2 to 3 of Datum after fld Feld"


- "modification" and "creation" dates are not exactly corresponding to EXIF or iTunes information - using item 4 of the detailed files which somehow returns a "transfer" date is not really useful. It probably only returns a "creation" date when an image was created on the computer and not transferred from elsewhere.

Wilhelm Sanke

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