Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:
Wilhelm Sanke wrote:
> I repeat my recommendation to add the ability to read EXIF data with the
> detailed files function:

I don't know if I'd like that. To read the EXIF data, every file would
have to be opened and read individually, which would be very
time-consuming. As it is now, a single call to the OS returns all the
information without having to open (or even acknowledge) any files at
all. Reading a lot of files in a folder, just to see if they have EXIF
data, and if so, retrieve that data, would really slow down the detailed
files function for people who aren't working with image files.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software

and Jim Ault from sunny Las Vegas wrote:

And beyond that, EXIF data is not part of all image files, mostly only those
files from a device such as a camera.

If you have iPhoto open, you can use AppleScript to tell iPhoto to return
the EXIF data in an image file in its library.  The same will work for
Photoshop and Graphic Converter.  I don't believe the OSX Finder app will
read this part of an image file, and the Rev 'detailed files' returns info
by asking the Finder to get it.  I could be wrong about this.  Try it and

These are indeed valid arguments that have to be considered .

As far as I know, however, the situation may be at least different for Windows and MacOS. I do not know if the OSX finder could access EXIF data automatically, but WindowsXP surely does.

The EXIF creation date of a camera image is automatically read by WindowsXP, as can be seen in the file information when you configure the folder setting accordingly. So there would be no slowdown of any kind when incorporating this information in the detailed files. I am not really sure what the OSX finder does. If in fact it should be able to access such data, then I would repeat my recommendation for the detailed files.

If not, then - as the main purpose of this discussion was about including valid creation date information in Metacard/Revolution applications - we should tweak Alex Tweedly's "libEXIF" stack to produce a handy function to include a reliable creation date information in our stacks if needed.


Wilhelm Sanke


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