chris bohnert wrote:

Just my opinion here as issues surrounding MySQL's interpretation of the GPL
seem to get foggier by the day.

I'd imagine that Runrev avoids having to deal with RealBasics issues by
using the older LGPL'd connector (which presumably stops working somewhere
in the Mysql development roadmap).  The problem here is that the older
connector does not support many of the newer features.  Realbasic
specifically decided they needed support for the newer features and were
thus willing to eat the GPL license for their connector.

Interesting enough, the way I understand it, MySql offers a commercial
license for its newer connector but that license may not be used to generate
a plugin that connects to the GPL'd version of the MySql may
only connect to a commercially licensed version of their server.

The FUD surrounding this issue has worked on me and we dropped all direct
connection support for MySql about a year ago.  We either use a different db
or proxy requests through a php call.


rambling a bit...

I don't really know enough to speak intelligently to his issue, but
years ago my
"gut" feeling was, seeing the MySql fog on the horizon...
 to stick with PostGreSQL for building systems on our web server.

Since one of our lead developers uses PostGreSQL at work, and wanted
to use PostGreSQL...this made it an easy decision.

But every now and then we "teeter" over to "sure, go ahead and
build it in MySQL if you are more comfortable with that... "

And there are huge LAMP systems out there based on it...
(Moogle, XOOPs etc.) some of which we might like to adopt
and we would certainly want Rev interoperability...

So my question is a bit tangential, assuming one has the choice,
doesn't using PostGreSQL give us the best of all worlds?

-- free
-- open source
-- no  connection/licensing constraints

(though I guess the PHP proxy call to MySQL is a viable solution...
Pierre Sahores has
been making that work for years....)

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