actually me too use server side Perl script to communicate with desktop application created in rev and a MySQL database on a server. First of all it is actually the only secure way to do this, because leaving mysql port open for everybody is a highly UNSECURE and unrecommended practice. Besides using the relay srcipt one gains additional control over the communication between the db & the client. In my case queries had to be limited to SELECT only with user passwords. Additionally it filters out some potentially dangerous commands like "drop". User must post two parameters to communicate with the database:[password]&q=[sql query] and as a result gets back the resultset in form of tab delimited text. The Perl script is:
#! /usr/bin/perl -wT

use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;

print header;
my $sth;
my $q=param('q');
my $p=param('p');
my @line;

if ($p eq "password_goes_here")
unless ($q=~m/update|delete|alter |insert|truncate|drop |modify|create|\0|use |set |values\(|check | key /i)
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=db_name:host=localhost","db_user","db_password") or die "$DBI::errstr\n";
   $sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
while (my @line = $sth->fetchrow_array)
       if (@line) {print join("    ",@line)."\n";}
$sth = $dbh->disconnect();
print "\err.#1000: Access denied"; #Wrong password
print "\err.#1001:\"$p\" Access denied"; #Potentially dangerous commands in query
exit 0;

and the clientside Revolution function (stack's script) is as simple as:

function Q vQ
local myServer
local myData

put ""; into myServer
put "p=authentication password&" & "q=" & URLencode(vQ) into myData post myData to URL myServer wait 1 sec if it is not empty then
     return it
     return "No matches found or timeout"
     exit to top
   end if
end Q

Now we can send any sql select statement or multiple statements and get back the result from any handler using:
get Q("SELECT * FROM invasions")

It works, though sometimes timeouts happen...

All the best!
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