Dave wrote:

Does anyone know if the Geometry has been fixed in the latest version?

I really don't want to invest all the time editing the objects if it still goes beswick!

The GM is good for what it does, but it can't anticipate all possible combinations of object-ordering needs, and will fail in some cases.

Writing one's one geometry management is so simple that I never understood why RunRev saddled themselves with writing 40k of GM script just for a subset of needs.

Just use the resizeStack message, and you can trim most object resizing to one-line calls using a custom function:

on resizeStack x,y
  SetObjRect fld "Main","", "", x-20, y-100
  put the bottom of fld "Main" into tBot
  SetObjRect btn "OK", x-100, tBot+12, x-20,tBot+35
  put the left of btn "OK" into tLeft
  SetObjRect btn "Cancel", tLeft-100, tBot+12, tLeft-20,tBot+35
end resizeStack

on SetObjRect pObj
  local tObj, r, i
  put the long id of pObj into tObj
  put the rect of tObj into r
  repeat with i = 2 to 5
    get param(i)
    if it is not empty then put it into item (i-1) of r
  end repeat
  set the rect of tObj to r
end SetObjRect

Handling the native resizeStack directly can take a few minutes' scripting, but leaves you totally in control and allows you to use previously-adjusted objects to determine the positions of others, and you know exactly the order they're processed in.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com
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