A Useful-Thing...selected by Dennis Cummins.

This week's Useful-Thing is a program that some of you may already be 
familiar with but for those that have not tried this program, we think 
you should give it a looksee.

The WeatherBug

The WeatherBug is a weather reporting program with connections to over 
5000 weather stations all over the US.  Odds are there is one near you.
The WeatherBug is the finest online weather reporting app we've seen.
Features include putting your weather in your system tray next to your 
clock; Forecasts for YOUR zipcode; Up-to-the-minute InstaCam images; 
Immediate storm warnings and alerts; Animated radar images; Cool 
content like trivia, city guide, and maps; Complete travel weather for 
any destination; and more...

The program comes as free adware.  The display will show ads it 
downloads in it's mini-browser interface.  Dennis has tested the 
program thoroughly and is convinced the program does not qualify as 
spyware.  I can add my own testimony to that having used weatherbug for 
over a year.  I constantly check to see if the program is behaving in a 
legitimate manner and it has so far proven reliable and true to it's 

Dennis reports these comments following his testing:

"Weather Bug is a very nice app.  Sits in your systray with the 
temperature showing at all times. Be aware of a couple of things.  It 
does startup when you start windows.  It can run more than one instance 
of the program.  I suspect that is by design as some folks might like 
to keep and eye on the weather in more than one location. I have it 
sitting in my systray and I cannot tell it is even running.  I do not 
think it uses many resources.  And should you want to uninstall,  
Weather Bug does a very good job of cleaning up."

Okay here are the particulars:

Author or company: AWS Inc. 

URL of the author's Main Web site: 


URL of the Weatherbug site:  


URL of the file to download: 


(Note: if any URL wraps, they are all one line.)

Requirements to install and run the program: 

WeatherBug is not Mac or WebTV-compatible 
WeatherBug is currently available for US zip codes only 
IBM/PC with Windows 95/98/NT/2000 32MB RAM (memory) 
20MB free hard disk space 
256 color display 
640 X 480 resolution 

Enjoy! :-)

Alan S. Harrell for himself and Dennis Cummins


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