A Useful-Thing...selected by Dennis Cummins.

This week's Useful-Thing is a free FTP client called "SmartFTP".

SmartFTP is nearly as feature rich as the some of the better known 
shareware FTP clients and in fact out performs many shareware ftp 
clients.  I'll list some of the features here:


Windows / Internet Explorer like user interface 
Drag & Drop within internal windows and from Explorer 
Multi Connections (remote and local) 
FXP support 
Transfer Queue
  - Scheduling
  - Uploads/Downloads/FXP
  - Up to 16 simultaneous threads
  - Ultra-Fast-Queue-Directory-Contents-Speed-Feature 
FTPSearch / FileZ.com Interface 
Favorites as used in IE 
Global History 
Recursive Downloads / Uploads / Deletes 
Resume for broken Transfers (ul/dl/fxp) 
Background Transfers 
Proxy / Firewall support
   Wingate, Winproxy, CSM
   Passive Transfer Mode (PASV) 
   Local Folder Browser, Transfer Queue 
FTP URL (ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port/path ) support 
URL Watcher 
Cache Remote Directories 
ASCII and Skip File Extension List 
Commandline for manually entering direct commands 
View Web Pages (OLE2) directly within SmartFTP 
Active Log Control (URL's are usable) and Logging to File 
Quick / Recent Folders 
Custom Toolbars 
Custom Commands 
Optimized TYPE commands 
Network Neighborhood support 
CHMOD (Properties) 
and much more ... 


The author gives it's users a great deal of support with website 
bulletin board discussion groups and an announcements newsletter.  Plus 
he provides you a web page to report bugs.  There is a terrific help 
page as well at the site with guides, faqs, and more.  He really gives 
a lot of service for a freeware product.  

Dennis comments, "I really like this FTP client.  In fact I would run 
it all the time if I did not have another client registered.   Some 
folks like to run two clients.  This would make a very good second 

I installed the program and I agree wholeheartedly with Dennis.  If you 
are looking for a quality ftp client, then you really should consider 
SmartFTP.  And if you are like me, who collect them like candy, this 
would be a fine addition to your ftp repertoire of programs. :-)

Okay, here are the particulars:

Author or company: SmartFTP 

URL of the author's Main Web site: http://www.smartftp.com/ 

URL to the download page: http://www.smartftp.com/download.html 

Note: In downloading the file you are given a choice of either first 
downloading a small (54 KB) downloader-setup program which will check 
your system for requirements and then it will complete the downloading 
of all necessary files.  Or you can opt for the 5 MB complete 
installation file if you are sure your system has all the right 
requirements.  (see below)

Requirements to install and run the program: 

* Windows 98, Windows Millenium, WinNT4.0 or Win2k

Members with the above mentioned OS's should have no problems 
installing SmartFTP.


* Members with Windows 95 or NT 3.x need to first check for these 

~ Win95 or NT3x with IE 4+ installed  

~ commctl32.dll version >= 4.72     
~ shlwapi.dll   version >= 4.72  

~ winInet.dll   version >= 4.72   
~ Winsock 2.x (32-bit TCP/IP stack) 

~ It requires some recent libraries like shlwapi.dll, comctl32.DLL,    
comdlg32.DLL. "The fact that we cannot guarantee a safe installation   
is due to these dependencies and also that it would require to provide  
an installer for each language." (author's notes)

We recommend that anyone with Windows-95 first download the downloader 
program which I mentioned above, that will check their system for 
necessary files.

Enjoy! :-)

Alan S. Harrell for himself and Dennis Cummins


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