I want to take an opportunity to thank Jeff for coming to Indy and
presenting iBATIS last night; Jeff put in some major driving time to
make it possible.

I thought the presentation was well received by those in attendance.
One of the best points Jeff made was explaining why comparing iBATIS
to Hibernate is really an apples-to-oranges concept and I think some
people are going to look into iBATIS further.

The  list of situations that indicate the use of iBATIS was also very
helpful and it described my environment to the letter.  iBATIS turned
out to be an excellent fit for me so the list is definitely spot-on.

Finally seeing Abator in action was the hightlight of the evening for me.

Plus, I finally found out how to pronounce Clinton's surname  ("BIEGE
- in", right?).  I didn't land one of the "iBATIS in Action" door
prizes, though.  Bummer.

Also, the example code Jeff presented will be available (if not
already) on the indyjug.net site.

Thanks again, Jeff.

Ted Schrader

On 27/02/07, Jeff Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I will be speaking tomorrow evening (February 28) at the Indianapolis Java
Users Group.  This will be a basic presentation on how to use iBATIS, and
I'll also cover how to use Abator.

Anyone is welcome to attend and I'd love to meet some more of our community
face-to-face.  See this web site for more information:


I hope to see some of you there!

Jeff Butler

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