>Hi Aidan :
>  Same applies to making HTML tutorials , of course , but as I've said ,
>there are so many good and totally free HTML editors out there that I
>wouldn't even consider trying to list them here .
>  So why then do so few people bother to take the time to create tute's ?
>(just a retorical question , no need to attempt to answer) .
>  It's also human nature to feel good when you've contributed to the
>community .
>  One of my main points which I don't remind repeating , is that info
>posted here just goes down a sinkhole and dissapears . Unless you've
>saved the file and remember you did , finding that valuable info can be
>tough , and more importantly , if you're a newbie just trying RS , all
>that archive info is of no use to you .
>  If you post to the Forum at least it's there for anyone to see , if
>they have the time to dig all the way back through pages of posts ,and
>only if the thread was labelled properly . If it wasn't that info is
>probably not going to be read again .
>  So that brings us to the HTML tute . It's quick , it's simple , it's
>free , it's easily linked to from many web sites ... it's perfect , but
>it's rare .
>  Your slowly disappearing mail on video screen captures could be an
>awesome HTML tutorial . Download a few of the freeware S/W's and put
>them through their paces then write a tutorial about your experience .
>  Now you've really done something ! Now you've saved dozens of other
>people the time and trouble of having to do it . Write it properly and
>you may even inspire others to create video tutorials .
>  I can punch key words into Google , surf a bit , then post links to
>this list , but what have I accomplished ? Easy to do but how much time
>have I saved anyone , or what have I taught them ?
>   I don't think it's a question of time at all . Even if it takes a
>month or two to do a tute , who cares ? A little bit every week and
>in no time it's done . Even better , find a mate who is also inter-
>ested in that topic and team up to create one .
>Seems to be some kind of fear (fear of the unknown?)preventing people
>from offering their gained knowledge or expertise to the community .

WOW! Great post Garry....and you are right about the FEAR factor...well for
me anyhow, that is the fear of the tutes not being good enough.

I would complete a tute, think it was OK, then later decide that it is not
very good so don't even get to post it on the web....

...something I have decide to tackle a bit harder this year and stop being
so self critical..:)


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