Hi Frank

I'm sorry to say that it's not very difficult to repeat.
My usual project environment for perspective matching is one fixed
viewwindow and one floating viewwindow with camera tracking activated for
the floating viewwindow. The fixed window is in OGL wireframe mode, the
floating window shaded OGL.

OK, at this point I'm pretty sure that you use ATI Radeon. For some unknown reason its drivers do not tolerate several OGL windows in the same app.

As I wrote in my previous mail the way aspect ratio settings for camera,
backdrop and rendered image  work together is hard to grasp at times. For
instance if I have a backdrop image of 1024x768 I set it's aspect ratio to
1.000 in order to make it look right in the select window/images/image
property window. Than when I apply the image as a backdrop and activate 'fix
aspect' the image is deformed into a square.

This is a bug. Thanks for reporting it, will be fixed.

Best regards,


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