Hi Guys,

Recently reading a forum related to a 3D app I used to use. The topic of Character Animation is also hot over there too. Before you read on - this is positive stuff and related to our discussion here. What follows below may contribute to Character Animation development in RS:

They are about to add the two following things [ ala Endorphin was mentioned ] in the next point release:

1. Style based IK - http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/styleik/

2. Dynamic Motion Synthesis integrated with key-frames.

Dont have any link to explain point 2, but if others wish to take a stab, please do, would be interested to understand. As always keep the answer in Dummies English :)

One of the contributors put these points out as what would be nice and is related to the above two points - I think one could not say it better:

1. Set the posed character in a start position, then drop a movement style (with repeat/loop - i.e. walk cycle) on it with a movement direction, and stretch/compress the distance of motion

2. That multiple styles are blendable

3. That there is a 'ground surface' feature that makes the characters appendages go no lower than the ground itself.. in other words, a collision and gravity style calculation on the 'puppet'

4. Custom Style 'Mods' i.e. a limp added to a walk style..

5. All scriptable  [ Zaug - Fre_ber :) !!

Hope this is progressive stuff to add to the Character Animation debate here. Things that others in the 3D world in general are looking at adding to other apps. I particularly like point 1 and 3.

Carlo, Tim, Timo, Gary, Wolfram, Neil, Jean, Matthias .... And all others I have left out [ sorry ] - what do ye think? Least of all it is interesting development. Hey Stefan where are you in all of this??? :)


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