> Garry, is this it?
> http://rs3dwiki.the-final.info/index.php?title=Real_GreebleZ%21
> Couldn't find it at first, only after searching. Anyway: all efforts 
> are always appreciated even if I'm in lurk mode for a while!
> -Mark H

Hi Mark & Thanks :

  Yes , but if you click on the "what links here" hyper-link
on that page you'll see that there are no links to that page
for the casual user . I couldn't even find it by searching .

  Doesn't matter anyway . Any further wiki efforts by myself
will simply feature just a basic header and a link to an HTML
page on my server .

  The wiki was a great concept , I think , but my experience
there was a mostly negative one , generally . Seen this typi-
cal scenario in politics of various kinds , local & regional .

 From now on I will stick with what Realsoft inc. officially
supports . On closer examination it appears that the wiki also
has as much potential for harm , as good . 

  Probably obvious to those with a commercial focus . To myself
initially , I saw nothing but an excellent opportunity for the
whole community to share specific information easily .

Oh well .


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