On Thursday 01 February 2007 22:09, George Jenner wrote:
> On 2/1/07, Zaug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > leee wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I'm trying help someone find some contemporary U.S.A. loco and rolling
> >
> > stock
> >
> > > models for a university research program assessing the effectiveness of
> > > various designs of warning signs upon road users.  Unfortunately I
> > > don't
> >
> > have
> >
> > > the time to model it all myself, assuming I could find suitable
> >
> > drawings, so
> >
> > > does anyone know any good places to look?
> > >
> > > The project may have some funds for purchasing models but if so, it
> >
> > won't be
> >
> > > very much.
> > >
> > > The format doesn't matter too much, as long as I can get them into
> > > RS3D.
> > >
> > > TIA
> > >
> > > LeeE
> >
> > Hello Lee,
> > I  have  quite a few Model Railroader magazines, some from the last few
> > years that have some working drawings  in them. Most stuff in the US has
> > not changed in many years. Also, I live close to a rail line and a town
> > with a switch (sorting)  yard; I could shoot some photos for you.
> > Finally, I would help with some modeling, would not want much to do so;
> > would be a good entry for my currently microscopic resume ; ) and the
> > models would be done in RS.
> >
> > Let me know if I can help,
> >
> > Zaug
> >
> > P.S. I love trains  ; D
> >
> > --
> > My love of the  halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.
> > <|8?o
> >
> > So Zaug is a closet trainspotter :-)
> There are zillions of virtual anoraks making models for MS Train Simulator,
> some commercially.  Some of them would presumably sell you a 3ds version.
> 3dCanvas has an exporter for MSTS, 3ds and obj (search the forums at
> amabilis.com), so plenty of them use it for modelling.
> Try the links from
> http://www31.brinkster.com/decapod/   and
> http://www.webdottrainsim.com/msts517.htm
> Geo

Thanks for the links - I like the stuff at Decapod but it's not really 
suitable for contemporary U.S. scenarios :)

It could certainly be worth checking out some of the stuff done for MSTS 
though.  AKAIK there's no re-distribution issue with this project so they'd 
be ok using freeware.  I'll pass that suggestion along.


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