Hi Ville / Matthias,

I sent this mail a while back, but I think the list may not have been working.

MATTHIAS: With the recent mail you sent - are you talking of adding Normal Maps and the like to a low poly mesh in RS? Am i on the right track below or not?

I recently was experimenting with something similar between RS -- Blender and back. Blender also has sculpt tools similar to ZBrush [ Big difference - Blender is FREE ]. I was attempting to export an OBJ from RS, into Blender, Sculpt it, create a Normal Map of the Sculpted mesh from a Low and High rez mesh inside XNORMAL [ www.xnormal.net ]. Then apply this Normal map to the lo-rez mesh in RS From what I gather RS has difficulty with actual large poly meshes, the type required for sculpting. So - to get over this, one might try NORMAL MAPS [ another phrase to look at is tangent space ]. Here is some mails I got from VESA re same:

Regarding normal mapping: there are no big secrets involved, you simply assign a texture map to the surface normal. If the normal map comes from another application, one probably has to shift pixel values around zero:

   surface properties
       bump normal = texture(map coords)  // Assign the normal map
bump normal -= constant (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) // shift from 0 .. 1 to -0.5 .. +0.5

In the last VSL object, VSL editor / General tab / Normalize option should be set so that the surface normal gets again unit length.

AND ALSO THIS: Thanks to Timo for this observation at the IRC:

<timo2> or more like you have to change the normal information _from_ tangent space to world space before you assign it
<timo2> and you need uv-coords for it to work

So their now, you have been told :)

Any wisdom on that?

Yes, there is :) My brief example was indeed for a fixed space normal map, not for tangent space mapping. I'll consider this - maybe a new VSL operation 'map to normal space' is required. Of course, U and V directions are not available for all object types (analytics, metaballs etc), but that's really not a problem because normal mapping is mostly related to polygonal or SDS objects.


Thanks! I tried it and found already the first obstacle. .obj import reads the required UV data as a 'face material' , which is not suitable for bump mapping. Interpolation is so discontinuous that face boundaries show up - I guess that was the rpoblem in the test image you sent me.

I manually created a UV set and assigned the height map using it. The result was then OK. So, either .obj import needs the UV set option, or we have to create a simple tool, which converts a face material to a uv set. We will add it as soon as possible (probably into the first SP release for v6 - we will not delay the actual V6 release any more because of new development).

Hope this lot is of help to you,

At 16:24 30/07/2007, you wrote:

Does anyone use Zbrush and RS? I cannot export OBJ objects properly with UV-textures. I can export displacement mapping and OBJ-object, but when I try map disp. map in Realsoft mapping is aligned wrong. Is there any tutorials for exporting models and disp.map into RS?


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