> Hello All,
> I have made a tutorial concerning importing the Sponza Atrium GI scene, 
> utilizing the Wink .swf authoring software.
> It is far from perfect, but shows some of the potential of this great 
> FREE! application. Addtionally, I learned a great deal about the process 
> and am writing up some ideas and requirements for making similar 
> tutorials.
> To begin with, it is more of an animated tutorial rather than video.
> I will also post the source file after there has been time for critiques 
> and subsequent edits.
> ......download it here:
> http://www.catmtn.com/rr/sponza1.swf
> ~6.5 meg
> CheerZ!,
> Zaug

Zaug, great work! If I'm not mistaken Vesa also used Wink for his tuts.

Thankz & cheerz!


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