Mark Heuymans wrote:
Hello All,
I have made a tutorial concerning importing the Sponza Atrium GI scene, utilizing the Wink .swf authoring software. It is far from perfect, but shows some of the potential of this great FREE! application. Addtionally, I learned a great deal about the process and am writing up some ideas and requirements for making similar tutorials.
To begin with, it is more of an animated tutorial rather than video.
I will also post the source file after there has been time for critiques and subsequent edits. it here:
~6.5 meg

Zaug, great work! If I'm not mistaken Vesa also used Wink for his tuts.

Thankz & cheerz!

Hello Mark,
Thank you for the kind words.
Yes, Vesa uses it; there are several that RS has produced.

If anyone is interested, I have posted an article on the wiki with some concepts, ideas and tips, about the process.


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