
what Robert suggested sounds to me exactly what you would need. It would help if you could provide your auth_to_local setting and the output of hbase> whoami

Another way to test your auth_to_locals setting would be to execute:
% hadoop org.apache.hadoop.security.HadoopKerberosName trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com <mailto:trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com>

Please be aware that the rules are applied in order, so it is important to have the rule from Robert before the default rule.

A more simple rule could also be:

The above rule will only work for this principal/user. Put it as the first line of your auth to local and use HadoopKerberosName to test if it is working.


Am 21/03/16 um 21:40 schrieb Roberta Marton:

Thanks for your suggestion. My property settings did have the second rule defined but not the first.

However, it did not seem to help.

I tried setting the rule several other ways but nothing seems to work. I still get the same behavior.


*From:* Robert Levas [mailto:rle...@hortonworks.com <mailto:rle...@hortonworks.com>]
*Sent:* Monday, March 21, 2016 11:21 AM
*To:* user@ambari.apache.org <mailto:user@ambari.apache.org>
*Subject:* Re: Trying to create hbase tables after enabling Kerberos with Ambari

Hi Roberta…

It seems like you need an auth-to-local run set up to translate trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com <mailto:trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com>to trafodion.

To can do this by editing the hadoop.security.auth_to_local property under HDFS->Configs->Advanced->Advanced core-site.

Adding the following rule should do the trick:


You will need to add this rule to the ruleset before/above less general rules like


After adding this rule, save the config and restart the recommended services.

I hope this helps,


*From: *Roberta Marton <roberta.mar...@esgyn.com <mailto:roberta.mar...@esgyn.com>> *Reply-To: *"user@ambari.apache.org <mailto:user@ambari.apache.org>" <user@ambari.apache.org <mailto:user@ambari.apache.org>>
*Date: *Monday, March 21, 2016 at 2:08 PM
*To: *"user@ambari.apache.org <mailto:user@ambari.apache.org>" <user@ambari.apache.org <mailto:user@ambari.apache.org>> *Subject: *Trying to create hbase tables after enabling Kerberos with Ambari

I am trying to install Kerberos on top of my Hortonworks installation. I have tried this with both versions 2.2 and 2.3 and get similar results.

After I enable Kerberos, I create a Linux user called trafodion and grant this user all HBase permissions.

I connect as trafodion but get permission errors when I try to create a table.


[trafodion@myhost ~]$ whoami


[trafodion@myhost ~]$ klist

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_503

Default principal: trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com <mailto:trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com>

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal

03/21/16 16:39:33 03/22/16 16:39:33 krbtgt/trafkdc....@trafkdc.com <mailto:krbtgt/trafkdc....@trafkdc.com>

        renew until 03/21/16 16:39:33

hbase shell

hbase(main):002:0> whoami

trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com <mailto:trafodion-robertaclus...@trafkdc.com>(auth:KERBEROS)OIw

2016-03-21 17:06:22,925 WARN [main] security.UserGroupInformation: No groups available for user trafodion-robertaCluster

hbase(main):003:0> user_permission

User Table,Family,Qualifier:Permission

trafodion hbase:acl,,: [Permission: actions=READ,WRITE,EXEC,CREATE,ADMIN]

ambari-qa hbase:acl,,: [Permission: actions=READ,WRITE,EXEC,CREATE,ADMIN]

2 row(s) in 1.7630 seconds

hbase(main):004:0> create 't1', 'f1', 'f2'

ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.AccessDeniedException: Insufficient permissions for user 'trafodion-robertaCluster' (global, action=CREATE)

I am able to perform ‘user_permission’ but not ‘create’

Any suggestion on how to proceed?


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