
I was using snapshots of the JaxRS Whiteboard implementation together with
the johnzon based jax-rs.jsonb quite happily before it got nuked in [1].

There is probably a story behind this and it happened to a pre-release
(<1.0) codebase, so there is nothing to complain. But: Is there a
replacement for this? Why was it removed?

A potential alternative is org.apache.aries.jax.rs.jaxb.json
looks.. like i can use that instead.
Now, this depends on cxf being present, whereas other parts of cxf are
embedded into the whiteboard bundle. So i am a little confused if you want
people to use it without a visible cxf dependency?
Interestingly you use a (probably worthwhile) fragement bundle in
integration tests with all that cxf stuff hidden. But thats not part of the
released 1.0.0 bundle-set.

Can someone shed some light on this?
Or, maybe i am somewhat blind?


[1] https://github.com/apache/aries-jax-rs-whiteboard/commit/

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