hi Thai,

this is weird indeed. In your fisrt message, when you had the component
with "immediate=true", you said the breakpoint was never hit. If I
remember correctly, but maybe I am wrong, having "immediate=true" should
make the SCR to immediately instantiate and activate your component. If
that did not happen that would indicate a problem before the whiteboard
gets to know about the extension.


El 28/8/18 a las 22:33, Nhut Thai Le escribió:
> Hi Carlos,
> Here is the result of getRuntimeDto:
> {
>   "serviceDTO": null,
>   "defaultApplication": {
>     "resourceMethods": [
>       {
>         "method": "GET",
>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>         "producingMimeType": [
>           "text/css"
>         ],
>         "nameBindings": null,
>         "path": "/"
>       },
>       {
>         "method": "GET",
>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>         "producingMimeType": [
>           "text/html"
>         ],
>         "nameBindings": null,
>         "path": "/"
>       },
>       {
>         "method": "GET",
>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>         "producingMimeType": [
>           "image/gif"
>         ],
>         "nameBindings": null,
>         "path": "/"
>       },
>       {
>         "method": "GET",
>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>         "producingMimeType": [
>           "text/javascript"
>         ],
>         "nameBindings": null,
>         "path": "/"
>       },
>       {
>         "method": "GET",
>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>         "producingMimeType": [
>           "text/css"
>         ],
>         "nameBindings": null,
>         "path": "/"
>       }
>     ],
>     "base": "/",
>     "resourceDTOs": [],
>     "extensionDTOs": [],
>     "name": ".default",
>     "serviceId": 92
>   },
>   "applicationDTOs": [
>     {
>       "resourceMethods": [],
>       "base": "/rest",
>       "resourceDTOs": [
>         {
>           "resourceMethods": [
>             {
>               "method": "GET",
>               "consumingMimeType": null,
>               "producingMimeType": [
>                 "application/json"
>               ],
>               "nameBindings": null,
>               "path": "\\\\common\\getObject\\"
>             }
>           ],
>           "name": ".generated.for.91",
>           "serviceId": 91
>         }
>       ],
>       "extensionDTOs": [],
>       "name": "RestApp",
>       "serviceId": 44
>     }
>   ],
>   "failedResourceDTOs": [],
>   "failedExtensionDTOs": [],
>   "failedApplicationDTOs": []
> }
> As it shown, my extension is not even loaded. Although it show up as
> an osgi service when I inspect the bundle:
> osgi>bundle 27
> com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home_1.0.0.qualifier [27]
>   Id=27, Status=ACTIVE      Data
> Root=C:\Users\ntle\eclipseWSosgi30\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\Pax\org.eclipse.osgi\27\data
>   "Registered Services"
>     {javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter}={service.id
> <http://service.id>=43, osgi.jaxrs.extension=true,
> service.bundleid=27, service.scope=prototype,
> osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name
> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name>=RestApp), component.name
> <http://component.name>=com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.JaxrsAuthenticationFilter,
> component.id <http://component.id>=0}
>     {javax.ws.rs.core.Application}={osgi.jaxrs.application.base=/rest,
> service.id <http://service.id>=44, service.bundleid=27,
> service.scope=bundle, authentication.with=keycloak, osgi.jaxrs.name
> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name>=RestApp, component.name
> <http://component.name>=com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.RestApiApp,
> component.id <http://component.id>=1}
>     {com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api}={osgi.jaxrs.resource=true,
> service.id <http://service.id>=91, service.bundleid=27,
> service.scope=bundle, osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name
> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name>=RestApp), component.name
> <http://component.name>=com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api,
> component.id <http://component.id>=2}
>   Services in use:
>     {com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api}={osgi.jaxrs.resource=true,
> service.id <http://service.id>=91, service.bundleid=27,
> service.scope=bundle, osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name
> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name>=RestApp), component.name
> <http://component.name>=com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api,
> component.id <http://component.id>=2}
>     {org.osgi.service.jaxrs.runtime.JaxrsServiceRuntime}={service.id
> <http://service.id>=90, osgi.jaxrs.endpoint=[
> <>], service.bundleid=96, service.scope=singleton,
> service.ranking=-2147483648, service.changecount=3,
> service.pid=org.apache.aries.jax.rs.whiteboard.default}
>     {org.osgi.service.log.LogService,
> org.eclipse.equinox.log.ExtendedLogService}={service.id
> <http://service.id>=2, service.bundleid=0, service.scope=bundle}
>   Exported packages
>     com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home; version="0.0.0"[exported]
>     org.keycloak.jaxrs; version="0.0.0"[exported]
>   Imported packages
> ...
> I can even get a reference to that filter from the API but for some
> reason, jaxrs whiteboard does not register this filter
> Thai
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 3:05 PM, Carlos Sierra Andrés
> <csie...@gmail.com <mailto:csie...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi again Thai,
>     you can try to get a reference to JaxrsServiceRuntime and call
>     getRuntimeDTO on it. It should give you a snapshot of the state of
>     the runtime as well as the reason why the extension is not being
>     activated by the runtime.
>     Also enabling debug might help you diagnose what's going on.
>     Carlos.
>     El 28/8/18 a las 20:47, Nhut Thai Le escribió:
>>     Hi Carlos,
>>     Thank you for pointing out the order. I tried what you suggested
>>     but i still not be able to hit the filter, not even its static field
>>     @Component(
>>     scope=ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE,
>>     property= {
>>     "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>     "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>     }
>>     )
>>     @PreMatching
>>     @Priority(Priorities.AUTHENTICATION)
>>     public final class JaxrsAuthenticationFilter implements
>>     ContainerRequestFilter
>>     {
>>     public static final int count = 1;     //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>     @Override
>>     public void filter(ContainerRequestContext arg0) throws IOException {
>>     int n = 10;   //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>     }
>>     }
>>     Thai
>>     On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 1:16 PM, Carlos Sierra Andrés
>>     <csie...@gmail.com <mailto:csie...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         I would say that this:
>>         -----
>>         @Component(
>>         immediate=true,
>>         property= {
>>         "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>         "osgi.jaxrs.extension.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>         }
>>         )
>>         -----
>>         should be:
>>         -----
>>         @Component(
>>         immediate=true,
>>         property= {
>>         "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>         "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>         }
>>         )
>>         -----
>>         note the "extension -> application", otherwise your filter is
>>         waiting for another extension that never arrives.
>>         I would also suggest that you make your component
>>         ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE so every application gets its own
>>         instance of the filter.
>>         Let me know if this helps.
>>         Carlos.
>>         El 28/8/18 a las 19:10, Nhut Thai Le escribió:
>>>         Hello,
>>>         I'm using aries-jax-rs-whiteboard to host by REST service
>>>         and I want to use a ContainerRequestFilter to check for
>>>         authentication token. However, although the filter is
>>>         registered as an OSGI service, it is not triggered or even
>>>         instantiated. Here is my REST api and filter code:
>>>         =====the application====
>>>         @Component(
>>>         immediate = true,
>>>         service = Application.class,
>>>         property= {
>>>         "osgi.jaxrs.name <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=RestApp",
>>>         JAX_RS_APPLICATION_BASE + "=/rest",
>>>         "authentication.with=keycloak"
>>>         }
>>>         )
>>>         public class RestApiApp extends Application{
>>>         @Override
>>>           public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
>>>               return Collections.singleton(this);
>>>           }
>>>         }
>>>         =====the API==========
>>>         @Component(
>>>         immediate=true,
>>>         service = Api.class,
>>>         property = {
>>>         "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name
>>>         <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=RestApp)",
>>>         "osgi.jaxrs.resource=true"
>>>         }
>>>         )
>>>         @Path("/common")
>>>         public final class Api {
>>>         public static final Response EMPTY_RESPONSE =
>>>         Response.noContent().type(MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE).build();
>>>         @GET
>>>         @Path("/getObject")
>>>         @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
>>>         public String getObject() {
>>>         return "Rest call 2"; //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>         }
>>>         }
>>>         ======the filter==========
>>>         @Component(
>>>         immediate=true,
>>>         property= {
>>>         "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>>         "osgi.jaxrs.extension.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>>         }
>>>         )
>>>         @PreMatching
>>>         @Priority(Priorities.AUTHENTICATION)
>>>         public final class JaxrsAuthenticationFilter extends
>>>         OsgiJaxrsBearerTokenFilterImpl implements ContainerRequestFilter
>>>         {
>>>         public static final int count = 1; //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>>         @Override
>>>         public void filter(ContainerRequestContext arg0) throws
>>>         IOException {
>>>         super.filter(arg0);    //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>>         }
>>>         }
>>>         Could anyone give a hint what I may miss?
>>     -- 
>>     Castor Technologies Inc
>>     460 rue St-Catherine St
>>     <https://maps.google.com/?q=460+rue+St-Catherine+St&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>     Ouest, Suite 613 
>>     Montréal, Québec H3B-1A7
>>     (514) 360-7208 o
>>     (514) 798-2044 f
>>     n...@castortech.com <mailto:n...@castortech.com>
>>     www.castortech.com <http://www.castortech.com> 
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> -- 
> Castor Technologies Inc
> 460 rue St-Catherine St Ouest, Suite 613 
> Montréal, Québec H3B-1A7
> (514) 360-7208 o
> (514) 798-2044 f
> n...@castortech.com <mailto:n...@castortech.com>
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