Hello guys,

I have just upload the code to
eclipse launch config is also there.

Let me know if you need anything else for debug.

Thank you


On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 9:49 AM, Raymond Auge <raymond.a...@liferay.com>

> Nhut, could you provide a link to a sample repo that we could use to debug?
> - Ray
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 9:44 AM, Nhut Thai Le <n...@castortech.com> wrote:
>> Hi Carlos,
>> As you can see from previous email, when listing the service provided by
>> the bundle, I can see my filter listed with component.id=0, I also add a
>> reference to the filter from my api and I see it not null when the rest
>> call is made:
>> @Component(
>> //immediate=true,
>> service = Api.class,
>> property = {
>> "osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApi",
>> "osgi.jaxrs.resource=true",
>> "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApp)"
>> }
>> )
>> @Path("/common")
>> public final class Api {
>> public static final Response EMPTY_RESPONSE =
>> Response.noContent().type(MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE).build();
>> @Reference
>> JaxrsServiceRuntime runtimeRef;
>> @Reference
>> ContainerRequestFilter filter;     //THIS IS NOT NULL SO I THINK THE
>> @GET
>> @Path("/getObject")
>> @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
>> public String getObject() {
>> RuntimeDTO runtimeDto = runtimeRef.getRuntimeDTO();
>> try {
>> filter.filter(null);     //I GOT AN INSTANCE OF THE FILTER HERE
>> }
>> catch(Exception e) {
>> int x =2;
>> }
>> return "Rest call 2"; //$NON-NLS-1$
>> }
>> }
>> so I think the whiteboard does created the component and registered it,
>> but jaxrs does not use this component in the rest call processing nor
>> recognize it as a jaxrs extension. Do i need to include anything else but
>> the aries.component-dsl.component-dsl, aries.javax.jax.rs-api,
>> aries.jax.rs.whiteboard, aries.util and their dependenies in my run env?
>> Thai
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 5:07 PM, Carlos Sierra Andrés <csie...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> hi Thai,
>>> this is weird indeed. In your fisrt message, when you had the component
>>> with "immediate=true", you said the breakpoint was never hit. If I remember
>>> correctly, but maybe I am wrong, having "immediate=true" should make the
>>> SCR to immediately instantiate and activate your component. If that did not
>>> happen that would indicate a problem before the whiteboard gets to know
>>> about the extension.
>>> Carlos.
>>> El 28/8/18 a las 22:33, Nhut Thai Le escribió:
>>> Hi Carlos,
>>> Here is the result of getRuntimeDto:
>>> {
>>>   "serviceDTO": null,
>>>   "defaultApplication": {
>>>     "resourceMethods": [
>>>       {
>>>         "method": "GET",
>>>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>>>         "producingMimeType": [
>>>           "text/css"
>>>         ],
>>>         "nameBindings": null,
>>>         "path": "/"
>>>       },
>>>       {
>>>         "method": "GET",
>>>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>>>         "producingMimeType": [
>>>           "text/html"
>>>         ],
>>>         "nameBindings": null,
>>>         "path": "/"
>>>       },
>>>       {
>>>         "method": "GET",
>>>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>>>         "producingMimeType": [
>>>           "image/gif"
>>>         ],
>>>         "nameBindings": null,
>>>         "path": "/"
>>>       },
>>>       {
>>>         "method": "GET",
>>>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>>>         "producingMimeType": [
>>>           "text/javascript"
>>>         ],
>>>         "nameBindings": null,
>>>         "path": "/"
>>>       },
>>>       {
>>>         "method": "GET",
>>>         "consumingMimeType": null,
>>>         "producingMimeType": [
>>>           "text/css"
>>>         ],
>>>         "nameBindings": null,
>>>         "path": "/"
>>>       }
>>>     ],
>>>     "base": "/",
>>>     "resourceDTOs": [],
>>>     "extensionDTOs": [],
>>>     "name": ".default",
>>>     "serviceId": 92
>>>   },
>>>   "applicationDTOs": [
>>>     {
>>>       "resourceMethods": [],
>>>       "base": "/rest",
>>>       "resourceDTOs": [
>>>         {
>>>           "resourceMethods": [
>>>             {
>>>               "method": "GET",
>>>               "consumingMimeType": null,
>>>               "producingMimeType": [
>>>                 "application/json"
>>>               ],
>>>               "nameBindings": null,
>>>               "path": "\\\\common\\getObject\\"
>>>             }
>>>           ],
>>>           "name": ".generated.for.91",
>>>           "serviceId": 91
>>>         }
>>>       ],
>>>       "extensionDTOs": [],
>>>       "name": "RestApp",
>>>       "serviceId": 44
>>>     }
>>>   ],
>>>   "failedResourceDTOs": [],
>>>   "failedExtensionDTOs": [],
>>>   "failedApplicationDTOs": []
>>> }
>>> As it shown, my extension is not even loaded. Although it show up as an
>>> osgi service when I inspect the bundle:
>>> osgi>bundle 27
>>> com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home_1.0.0.qualifier [27]
>>>   Id=27, Status=ACTIVE      Data Root=C:\Users\ntle\eclipseWSos
>>> gi30\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core\Pax\org.eclipse
>>> .osgi\27\data
>>>   "Registered Services"
>>>     {javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter}={service.id=43,
>>> osgi.jaxrs.extension=true, service.bundleid=27, service.scope=prototype,
>>> osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApp), component.name
>>> =com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.JaxrsAuthenticationFilter, component.id
>>> =0}
>>>     {javax.ws.rs.core.Application}={osgi.jaxrs.application.base=/rest,
>>> service.id=44, service.bundleid=27, service.scope=bundle,
>>> authentication.with=keycloak, osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApp, component.name
>>> =com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.RestApiApp, component.id=1}
>>>     {com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api}={osgi.jaxrs.resource=true,
>>> service.id=91, service.bundleid=27, service.scope=bundle,
>>> osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApp), component.name
>>> =com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api, component.id=2}
>>>   Services in use:
>>>     {com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api}={osgi.jaxrs.resource=true,
>>> service.id=91, service.bundleid=27, service.scope=bundle,
>>> osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApp), component.name
>>> =com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home.Api, component.id=2}
>>>     {org.osgi.service.jaxrs.runtime.JaxrsServiceRuntime}={service.id=90,
>>> osgi.jaxrs.endpoint=[], service.bundleid=96,
>>> service.scope=singleton, service.ranking=-2147483648,
>>> service.changecount=3, service.pid=org.apache.aries.j
>>> ax.rs.whiteboard.default}
>>>     {org.osgi.service.log.LogService, org.eclipse.equinox.log.Extend
>>> edLogService}={service.id=2, service.bundleid=0, service.scope=bundle}
>>>   Exported packages
>>>     com.castortech.iris.ba.web.home; version="0.0.0"[exported]
>>>     org.keycloak.jaxrs; version="0.0.0"[exported]
>>>   Imported packages
>>> ...
>>> I can even get a reference to that filter from the API but for some
>>> reason, jaxrs whiteboard does not register this filter
>>> Thai
>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 3:05 PM, Carlos Sierra Andrés <csie...@gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Hi again Thai,
>>>> you can try to get a reference to JaxrsServiceRuntime and call
>>>> getRuntimeDTO on it. It should give you a snapshot of the state of the
>>>> runtime as well as the reason why the extension is not being activated by
>>>> the runtime.
>>>> Also enabling debug might help you diagnose what's going on.
>>>> Carlos.
>>>> El 28/8/18 a las 20:47, Nhut Thai Le escribió:
>>>> Hi Carlos,
>>>> Thank you for pointing out the order. I tried what you suggested but i
>>>> still not be able to hit the filter, not even its static field
>>>> @Component(
>>>> scope=ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE,
>>>> property= {
>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>>> }
>>>> )
>>>> @PreMatching
>>>> @Priority(Priorities.AUTHENTICATION)
>>>> public final class JaxrsAuthenticationFilter implements
>>>> ContainerRequestFilter
>>>> {
>>>> public static final int count = 1;     //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>>> @Override
>>>> public void filter(ContainerRequestContext arg0) throws IOException {
>>>> int n = 10;   //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> Thai
>>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 1:16 PM, Carlos Sierra Andrés <
>>>> csie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I would say that this:
>>>>> -----
>>>>> @Component(
>>>>> immediate=true,
>>>>> property= {
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.extension.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>>>> }
>>>>> )
>>>>> -----
>>>>> should be:
>>>>> -----
>>>>> @Component(
>>>>> immediate=true,
>>>>> property= {
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>>>> }
>>>>> )
>>>>> -----
>>>>> note the "extension -> application", otherwise your filter is waiting
>>>>> for another extension that never arrives.
>>>>> I would also suggest that you make your component
>>>>> ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE so every application gets its own instance of the
>>>>> filter.
>>>>> Let me know if this helps.
>>>>> Carlos.
>>>>> El 28/8/18 a las 19:10, Nhut Thai Le escribió:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm using aries-jax-rs-whiteboard to host by REST service and I want
>>>>> to use a ContainerRequestFilter to check for authentication token. 
>>>>> However,
>>>>> although the filter is registered as an OSGI service, it is not triggered
>>>>> or even instantiated. Here is my REST api and filter code:
>>>>> =====the application====
>>>>> @Component(
>>>>> immediate = true,
>>>>> service = Application.class,
>>>>> property= {
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApp",
>>>>> JAX_RS_APPLICATION_BASE + "=/rest",
>>>>> "authentication.with=keycloak"
>>>>> }
>>>>> )
>>>>> public class RestApiApp extends Application{
>>>>> @Override
>>>>>   public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
>>>>>       return Collections.singleton(this);
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }
>>>>> =====the API==========
>>>>> @Component(
>>>>> immediate=true,
>>>>> service = Api.class,
>>>>> property = {
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name=RestApp)",
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.resource=true"
>>>>> }
>>>>> )
>>>>> @Path("/common")
>>>>> public final class Api {
>>>>> public static final Response EMPTY_RESPONSE =
>>>>> Response.noContent().type(MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE).build();
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> @Path("/getObject")
>>>>> @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
>>>>> public String getObject() {
>>>>> return "Rest call 2"; //$NON-NLS-1$
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> ======the filter==========
>>>>> @Component(
>>>>> immediate=true,
>>>>> property= {
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.extension=true",
>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.extension.select=(authentication.with=keycloak)"
>>>>> }
>>>>> )
>>>>> @PreMatching
>>>>> @Priority(Priorities.AUTHENTICATION)
>>>>> public final class JaxrsAuthenticationFilter extends
>>>>> OsgiJaxrsBearerTokenFilterImpl implements ContainerRequestFilter
>>>>> {
>>>>> public static final int count = 1; //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>>>> @Override
>>>>> public void filter(ContainerRequestContext arg0) throws IOException {
>>>>> super.filter(arg0);    //BREAKPOINT NEVER HIT
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Could anyone give a hint what I may miss?
>>>> --
>>>> Castor Technologies Inc
>>>> 460 rue St-Catherine St
>>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=460+rue+St-Catherine+St&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>> Ouest, Suite 613
>>>> Montréal, Québec H3B-1A7
>>>> (514) 360-7208 o
>>>> (514) 798-2044 f
>>>> n...@castortech.com
>>>> www.castortech.com
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>>> Castor Technologies Inc
>>> 460 rue St-Catherine St
>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=460+rue+St-Catherine+St&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>> Ouest, Suite 613
>>> Montréal, Québec H3B-1A7
>>> (514) 360-7208 o
>>> (514) 798-2044 f
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>> --
>> Castor Technologies Inc
>> 460 rue St-Catherine St
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=460+rue+St-Catherine+St&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> Ouest, Suite 613
>> Montréal, Québec H3B-1A7
>> (514) 360-7208 o
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> --
> *Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
>  (@rotty3000)
> Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com>
>  (@Liferay)
> Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <http://osgi.org>
> (@OSGiAlliance)

Castor Technologies Inc
460 rue St-Catherine St Ouest, Suite 613
Montréal, Québec H3B-1A7
(514) 360-7208 o
(514) 798-2044 f

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