In the code below, isn't there a 3rd case where the offer was "used" and
hence not found for canceling?


public void handleRescind(OfferID offerId) {"Offer rescinded: {}", offerId.getValue());

  // For rescinds, we want to ensure they are processed quickly before
we attempt to use an
  // invalid offer. There are a few scenarios we want to be aware of:
  //   1. We receive an offer, add it to OfferManager, and then get a
rescind. In this scenario,
  //      we can just remove the offer from the offers list.
  //   2. We receive an offer, but before we add it to the
OfferManager list we get a rescind.
  //      In this scenario, we want to ensure that we do not use
it/accept it when the executor
  //      finally processes the offer. We will temporarily ban it and
add a command for the
  //      executor to unban it so future offers can be processed normally.
  boolean offerCancelled = offerManager.cancelOffer(offerId);

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