> Is there a place where we store "used" offers

Once the scheduler has decided to use an offer, the offer is removed
from OfferManager.  The situation you describe is indeed possible.
However, i don't suspect that there's much to gain from trying to mitigate
an accept/rescind race.  That type of race also wouldn't cause any state
integrity issues in the scheduler, which is what this 'global ban' routine
was intending ti plug.

On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Mohit Jaggi <mohit.ja...@uber.com> wrote:

> I was wondering if that case can be checked and the banning skipped. Is
> there a place where we store "used" offers? At first glance it looks like
> there isn't...perhaps deep down in job/task state but that will be too
> expensive to check.
> On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 4:44 PM, Bill Farner <wfar...@apache.org> wrote:
>> That's true, but it doesn't appear the comment is trying to lay out all
>> possible scenarios.  Instead, it is attempting to explain the rationale for
>> offerManager.banOffer(offerId) a few lines later.
>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Mohit Jaggi <mohit.ja...@uber.com> wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> In the code below, isn't there a 3rd case where the offer was "used" and
>>> hence not found for canceling?
>>> Mohit.
>>> public void handleRescind(OfferID offerId) {
>>>   log.info("Offer rescinded: {}", offerId.getValue());
>>>   // For rescinds, we want to ensure they are processed quickly before we 
>>> attempt to use an
>>>   // invalid offer. There are a few scenarios we want to be aware of:
>>>   //   1. We receive an offer, add it to OfferManager, and then get a 
>>> rescind. In this scenario,
>>>   //      we can just remove the offer from the offers list.
>>>   //   2. We receive an offer, but before we add it to the OfferManager 
>>> list we get a rescind.
>>>   //      In this scenario, we want to ensure that we do not use it/accept 
>>> it when the executor
>>>   //      finally processes the offer. We will temporarily ban it and add a 
>>> command for the
>>>   //      executor to unban it so future offers can be processed normally.
>>>   boolean offerCancelled = offerManager.cancelOffer(offerId);

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