Hi Scott,

it's the latter I need; simply the ability to pass meta-data with my schema, so 
the user property is just what I need.

Thanks for your help!


>From: Scott Carey <scottca...@apache.org>
>To: "user@avro.apache.org" <user@avro.apache.org>; Andrew Kenworthy 
>Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 9:09 PM
>Subject: Re: Exposing a constant in an Avro Schema
>Named types (records, fields, fixed, enum) can store arbitrary user properties 
>attached to the schema ( similar to "doc" but no special meaning).
>Do you want this constant to be in every instance of your data object?  If so, 
>the enum is one way to do it.  
>If you simply want to push metadata along with the schema, use the schema 
>properties, they are name-value pairs.  For example you can have "myVersion" 
>attached to your schema for a record:
>{"type":"record", "name":"bar.baz.FooRecord", "myVersion":"1.1", "fields": {
>    {"name":"field1", "type":"int"},
>    …
>  } 
>On 11/14/11 8:03 AM, "Andrew Kenworthy" <adwkenwor...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>I would like to "embed" a schema version number in the schema that I use for 
>>writing data: it would be read-only so that I can determine later on which 
>>version of my avro schema was used. The best I could come up with is to 
>>(ab)use an enum with a single value like this, as I couldn't find any way to 
>>define a constant:
>>{"type":"enum","name":"version_1_1","doc":"enum indicating avro write schema 
>>version 1.1","symbols":["VERSION_1_1"]}
>>Is there a better way to register a constant value that has no meaning within 
>>the avro data file, other than to expose some kind of meta information?
>>Andrew Kenworthy

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