You don't need to construct a record object. You can just write your
RecordA/RecorbB objects directly.

Sample Writer:
            DatumWriter<Object> datum = new GenericDatumWriter<Object>(schema);
            DataFileWriter<Object> writer = new DataFileWriter<Object>(datum);

            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("h:\\TestFile.avro");
            writer.create(schema, out);
            writer.append(1050324); //You can write your recordA/recordB here.

Sample Reader:

            File out = new File("h:\\TestFile.avro");
            GenericDatumReader<Object> datum = new GenericDatumReader<Object>();
            DataFileReader<Object> reader = new DataFileReader<Object>(out, 

            while (reader.hasNext()) {

Hope this helps.

Gaurav Nanda

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Andrew Kenworthy <> wrote:
> Hallo,
> is it possible to write/collect a union-ed record from an avro reducer?
> I have a reduce class (extending AvroReducer), and the output schema is a
> union schema of record type A and record type B. In the reduce logic I want
> to combine instances of A and B in the same datum, passing it to my
> Avrocollector. My code looks a bit like this:
> Record unionRecord = new GenericData.Record(myUnionSchema); // not legal!
> unionRecord.put("type A", recordA);
> unionRecord.put("type B", recordB);
> collector.collect(unionRecord);
> but GenericData.Record constructor expects a Record Schema. How can I write
> both records such that they appear in the same output datum?
> Andrew

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