Thank you, Scott. That has cleared up some misunderstanding on my part. I want 
to emit both records as a Pair,
and have now implemented that by using a Record schema holding two sub-records, 
one for type A and one for type B,
so I can just write the relevant datum to the correct sub-record, which gives 
me exactly what I need.


> From: Scott Carey <>
>To: "" <>; Andrew Kenworthy 
>Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2011 6:45 PM
>Subject: Re: Collecting union-ed Records in AvroReducer
>On 12/8/11 4:10 AM, "Andrew Kenworthy" <> wrote:
>>is it possible to write/collect a union-ed record from an avro reducer?
>>I have a reduce class (extending AvroReducer), and the output schema is a
>>union schema of record type A and record type B. In the reduce logic I
>>want to combine instances of A and B in the same datum, passing it to my
>>Avrocollector. My code looks a bit like this:
>If both records were created in the reducer, you can call collect twice,
>once with each record.  Collect in general can be called as many times as
>you wish.
>If you want to combine two records into a single datum rather than emit
>multiple datums, you do not want a union, you need a Record.  A union is a
>single datum that may be only one of its branches in a single datum.
>In short, do you want to emit both records individually or as a pair?  If
>it is a pair, you need a Record, if it is multiple outputs or either/or,
>it is a Union.
>>Record unionRecord = new GenericData.Record(myUnionSchema); // not legal!
>>unionRecord.put("type A", recordA);
>>unionRecord.put("type B", recordB);
>>but GenericData.Record constructor expects a Record Schema. How can I
>>write both records such that they appear in the same output
>> datum?
>If your output is either one type or another, see Doug's answer.
>for multiple datums, it is
>output schema is a union of two records  (a datum is either one or the
>["RecordA", "RecordB"]
>then the code is:
>If you want a single datum that contains both a RecordA and a RecordB you
>need to have your output schema be a Record with two fields:
>{"type":"record", "fields":[
>  {"name":"recordA", "type":"RecordA"},
>  {"name":"recordB", "type":"RecordB"}
>And you would use this record schema to create the GenericRecord, and then
>populate the fields with the inner records, then call collect once with
>the outer record.
>Another choice is to output the output be an avro array of the union type
>that may have any number of RecordA and RecordB's in a single datum.

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