There is no Ruby support for the Netty Avro RPC protocol that I know of.
But I'm not sure why that matters, other than the fact that the Flume
Thrift support it's not in an official release yet.

You could also take a look at the Flume HTTP source for a REST-based
interface, but to accept binary data instead of JSON (the default) you
would need to write a small bit of Java code and plug that in.

Make sure you differentiate between using Avro as a data storage format and
as an RPC mechanism. They are two very different things and don't need to
be tied together. Today, the data storage aspect is more mature and has
much wider language support.


On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Mark <> wrote:

> So basically Avro RPC is out of the question? Instead I would need to Avro
> Message -> Thrift -> Flume? Is that along the right lines or am I missing
> something?
> On May 28, 2013, at 5:02 PM, Mike Percy <> wrote:
> Regarding Ruby support, we recently added support for Thrift RPC, so you
> can now send messages to Flume via Ruby and other non-JVM languages. We
> don't have out-of-the-box client APIs for those yet but would be happy to
> accept patches for it :)

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