
I am currently reading in lots of small avro files and then writing them
out into one large avro file using Map Reduce MR1.  I'm trying to do this
using the AvroMapper and AvroReducer and it's almost working how I want.

The problem right now is that it looks like I have to use
"org.apache.avro.mapred.Pair" if I use "AvroJob.setOutputSchema".  Is there
a way to output a Pair schema from AvroReducer and have the "key" in that
schema be ignored (i.e., not included in the output from the reducer)?
 Right now when I check the Reducer output there is an added field in each
record called "key" which I'd like to not have there.

Essentially I'm looking for something like NullWritable where the key will
just be ignored in the final output.

Thank you for any assistance or guidance you can provide!

Best Regards,


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