Am 06.10.14 15:10, schrieb Al Pivonka:
> Good Day all,
> I’m hoping to get some insight(s) if possible... with regards to Data
> Validation...
> We are replacing our std POJO's with AVRO backed Schema POJO's..
> We currently utilized Hibernate's Validator Annotations for field
> level data validation and were looking to see if Avro has any data
> validation schema's in place..
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> When I speak of data validation I'm wanting to enforce data rules on
> elements (Required, length, type) validations
> -- 
> Those who say it can't be done, are usually interrupted by those doing
> it.

Basics can be covered via Avro (Primitive and Complex types, Default
values, Enum-Declaration).
For anything else, I wrote my own Validator (I had the same problem and
that was the best solution I came up with).

Would be interessting, if there is an Avro-way to do it.

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