I posted a question on StackOverflow
<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40854529/nesting-avro-schemas> r.e.
nesting records in Avro. I think it'll be helpful to make it available here
on the mailing list as well, since the Avro community is not very active on

According to this question
nesting Avro schemas, the right way to nest a record schema is as follows:

    "name": "person",
    "type": "record",
    "fields": [
        {"name": "firstname", "type": "string"},
        {"name": "lastname", "type": "string"},
            "name": "address",
            "type": {
                        "type" : "record",
                        "name" : "AddressUSRecord",
                        "fields" : [
                            {"name": "streetaddress", "type": "string"},
                            {"name": "city", "type": "string"}

I don't like giving the field the name address and having to give a
different name (AddressUSRecord) to the field's schema. Can I give the
field and schema the same name, address?

What if I want to use the AddressUSRecord schema in multiple other schemas,
not just person? If I want to use AddressUSRecord in another schema, let's
say business, do I have to name it something else?

Ideally, I'd like to define AddressUSRecord in a separate schema, then let
the type of addressreference AddressUSRecord. However, it's not clear that
Avro 1.8.1 supports this out-of-the-box. This 2014 article
<http://www.treselle.com/blog/advanced-avro-schema-design-reuse/> shows
that sub-schemas need to be handled with custom code. What the best way to
define reusable schemas in Avro 1.8.1?

*Note*: I'd like a solution that works with Confluent Inc.'s Schema
Registry. There's a Google Groups thread
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/confluent-platform/pey5-AS1NSE> that
seems to suggest that Schema Registry does not play nice with schema

*Tianxiang Xiong *| Clojure Engineer

*tianxiang.xi...@fundingcircle.com <tianxiang.xi...@fundingcircle.com>*

747 Front Street, Floor 4 | San Francisco, CA 94111

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