
I read the specification multiple times. In the specification, it says "A 
Schema is represented in JSON<http://www.json.org/> by one of:" in the Schema 
Declaration section. The "one" confuses me as I am interpreting it as exactly 
one of the 3 that it listed.

In short, can I do this as a single schema?

{type : int},

{type : string},

{type : int},

Or do the following as a single schema?

{type : int},

{type : record ....},

{type : record ....}, // Not the same as the previous.

{type : string},

Or do I have to "embed" the above under a complex type like a record if I want 
complex schema? Or does "one of" mean I have to choose one and exactly one for 
the high top-most level of the schema?


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