On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 18:51, Zoltan Farkas <zolyfar...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> What I mean with timestamp-micros, is that it is currently restricted to
> being bound to long,
> I see no reason why it should not be allowed to be bound to string as
> well. (the change should be simple to implement)

Wouldn't have the implication of changing the binary representation too,
which is not necessarily desirable (it's bulkier, slower to decode and has
more potential error cases) ?

> regarding the media type, something like: application/avro.2+json would be
> fine.

Attaching the ".2" to "avro" rather than "json" seems to be implying a new
Avro version, rather than a new JSON-encoding version? Or is the idea that
the version number here is implying both the JSON-encoding version *and* the
underlying Avro version?  The MIME standard seems to be silent on this

> Other then that the proposal looks good. can you start a PR with the spec
> update?

I can do, but I don't hold out much hope of it getting merged. I started a
PR with a much more minor change <https://github.com/apache/avro/pull/738>
almost 2 months ago and haven't seen any response yet.


> —Z
> On Jan 15, 2020, at 12:30 PM, roger peppe <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 16:27, Zoltan Farkas <zolyfar...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> See comments in-line below:
>> On Jan 15, 2020, at 3:42 AM, roger peppe <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oops, I left arrays out! Two other thoughts:
>>    - I wonder if it might be worth hedging bets about logical types. It
>>    would be nice if (for example) a `timestamp-micros` value could be encoded
>>    as an RFC3339 string, so perhaps that should be allowed for, but maybe
>>    that's a step too far.
>> I think logical types should should stay above the encoding/decoding…
>> With timestamp-micros we could extend it to make it applicable to string
>> and implement the converters, and then in json you would have something
>> readable, but you would then have the same in binary and pay the
>> readability cost there as well.
> I'm not sure what you mean there. I wouldn't expect the Avro binary format
> to be readable at all.
> I implemented special handling for decimal logical type in my
>> encoder/decoder, but the best implementation I could do still feels like a
>> hack...
>>    - I wonder if there should be some indication of version so that you
>>    know which JSON encoding version you're reading. Perhaps the Avro schema
>>    could include a version field (maybe as part of a definition) so you know
>>    which version of the spec to use when encoding/decoding. Then bet-hedging
>>    wouldn't be quite as important.
>> I think Schema needs to stay decoupled from the encoding. The same schema
>> can be encoded in various ways (I have a csv encoder/decoder for example,
>> https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records?_Accept=text/csv ).
>> I think the right abstraction for what you are looking for is the Media
>> Type(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type ),
>> It would be helpful to “standardize” the media types for the avro
>> encodings:
> Yes, on reflection, I agree, even though not every possible medium has a
> media type. For example, what if we're storing JSON data in a file? I guess
> it would be up to us to store the type along with the data, as the registry
> message wire format
> <https://docs.confluent.io/current/schema-registry/serializer-formatter.html#wire-format>
> does, for example by wrapping the entire value in another JSON object.
>> Here is what I mean, (with some examples where the same schema is served
>> with different encodings):
>> 1) Binary: “application/avro”
>> https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records?_Accept=application/avro
>> 2) Current Json: “application/avro+json"
>> https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records?_Accept=application/avro-x%2Bjson
>> <https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records?_Accept=application/avro+json>
>> 3) New Json: “application/avro-x+json” ?
>> https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records?_Accept=application/avro-x%2Bjson
>> <https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records?_Accept=application/avro+json>
> ISTM that "x" isn't a hugely descriptive qualifier there. How about
> "application/avro+json.v2" ? Then it's clear what to do if we want to make
> another version.
>> The media type including the avro schema (like you can see in the
>> response ContentType in the headers above) can provide complete type
>>  information to be able to read a avro object from a byte stream.
>> application/avro-x+json;avsc="{\"type\":\"array\",\"items\":{\"$ref\":\"org.spf4j.demo:jaxrs-spf4j-demo-schema:0.8:b\"}}”
>> In HTTP context this fits well with content negotiation, and a client can
>> ask for a previous version like:
>> https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records/1?_Accept=application/json;avsc=%22{\%22$ref\%22:\%22org.spf4j.demo:jaxrs-spf4j-demo-schema:0.4:b\%22}%22
>> <https://demo.spf4j.org/example/records/1?_Accept=application/json;avsc=%22%7B%5C%22$ref%5C%22:%5C%22org.spf4j.demo:jaxrs-spf4j-demo-schema:0.4:b%5C%22%7D%22>
>> Note on $ref,  it is an extension to avsc I use to reference schemas from
>> maven repos. (see
>> https://github.com/zolyfarkas/jaxrs-spf4j-demo/wiki/AvroReferences if
>> interested in more detail)
> Interesting stuff. I like the idea of being able to get the server to
> check the desired client encoding, although I'm somewhat wary of the
> potential security implications of $ref with arbitrary URLs.
> Apart from the issues you raised, does my description of the proposed
> semantics seem reasonable? It could be slightly cleverer and avoid
> type-name wrapping in more situations, but this seemed like a nice balance
> between easy-to-explain and idiomatic-in-most-situations.
>    cheers,
>      rog.

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