Hey Ed,

I've been working on a similar approach for arbitarily nested/compound column 
names in #998. See: 

The goal is to provide native support and potentially (in the very long term), 
API support for nested/compound names. The difference between our approaches 
boils down to needing to define a comparator for every level in #998, versus 
having dynamic types per name in your approach.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Ed Anuff" <e...@anuff.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 1:31pm
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Is SuperColumn necessary?

Follow-up from last weeks discussion, I've been playing around with a simple
column comparator for composite column names that I put up on github.  I'd
be interested to hear what people think of this approach.



On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Ed Anuff <e...@anuff.com> wrote:

> It might make sense to create a CompositeType subclass of AbstractType for
> the purpose of constructing and comparing these types of "composite" column
> names so that if you could more easily do that sort of thing rather than
> having to concatenate into one big string.
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Mike Malone <m...@simplegeo.com> wrote:
>> The only thing SuperColumns appear to buy you (as someone pointed out to
>> me at the Cassandra meetup - I think it was Eric Florenzano) is that you can
>> use different comparator types for the Super/SubColumns, I guess..? But you
>> should be able to do the same thing by creating your own Column comparator.
>> I guess my point is that SuperColumns are mostly a convenience mechanism, as
>> far as I can tell.
>> Mike

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